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Simpson Strong TIE ABR9020 Winkelverbinder mit patentierter Rippe

Informations sur le produit "Simpson Strong TIE ABR9020 Winkelverbinder mit patentierter Rippe"

SST Winkelverbinder mit Rippe, Werkstoff: Stahl, Oberfläche: verzinkt

Technische Daten

Gewicht: 155 g

Art.-Nummer: 00000-5701953354305
Shop-Nummer: 146592
EAN: 5701953354305
Gewicht: 155 g
Fabricant "Simpson Strong TIE"
Simpson Strong-Tie is globally recognized for top-notch quality and innovative solutions in connection technology. The extensive product range includes high-strength angles, joist hangers, post bases, wood connectors, screws, and anchors, specifically developed for wood, steel, and concrete construction. The products are renowned for their exceptional stability, durability, and ease of installation, making them the first choice for construction projects of any size. Thanks to continuous research and development, all products meet the highest safety and performance standards, significantly contributing to the structural integrity of buildings. By combining technical expertise with practical solutions, Simpson Strong-Tie plays a crucial role in the efficiency and safety of modern construction. The comprehensive product range and proven quality make Simpson Strong-Tie an indispensable partner for construction professionals worldwide.

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