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Eibenstock Startset END 712P | Anbohrhilfe + Schlauch + Bohrkronen 6 und 8 mm

Informations sur le produit "Eibenstock Startset END 712P | Anbohrhilfe + Schlauch + Bohrkronen 6 und 8 mm"

Technische Daten

Produkttyp: Kernbohrmaschine
Gewicht: 2,547 kg

Art.-Nummer: EIB3583E000
Shop-Nummer: 197321
EAN: 4026851009661
Gewicht: 2.547 g
Produkttyp: Kernbohrmaschine
Fabricant "Eibenstock"
Eibenstock is a leading manufacturer of power tools designed specifically for professional use in construction and industry. The company offers a wide range of products, including drills, mixers, grinders, and more. Eibenstock products are known for their quality, durability, and performance, and are recognized for their robust construction and reliability. These tools are used by professionals worldwide in demanding environments.

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