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Products of PTG
PTG offers high-quality solutions for industrial cleaning and surface treatment. These powerful machines and systems are specifically designed to efficiently handle demanding tasks in metalworking, the automotive industry, and other sectors. The PTG Profiline series includes innovative systems such as blasting machines, cleaning machines, and deburring machines, known for their robustness and durability. Thanks to precise manufacturing and high-quality materials, these products are distinguished by their reliability and performance. They ensure clean, consistent results, thus significantly contributing to process optimization and product quality.

1 Artikel gefunden

PTG Holzspiralbohrer, 4 x 75 mm
Für alle Arbeiten in Hart- und Weichholz geeignet. Merkmale: - schwarz/blanke Ausführung - mit Zentrierspitze - zwei Vorschneiderartig wirkende Schulterschneiden - Schneidrichtung rechts - mit Zylinderschaft - insbesondere für Weich- und Hartholz, Hartfaserplatten ----------------------------- Auswahlkriterien: Größe: 4 x 75 mm ----------------------------- Technische Daten: Gewicht: 11 g Art.-Nummer: PTG380100400 Shop-Nummer: 104222

0,95 €*

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