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WETEC Metallsäge, vollisoliert, 1000 V

Informations sur le produit "WETEC Metallsäge, vollisoliert, 1000 V"

Metallsäge mit Alu-Druckguss-Griff und auswechselbarem Sägeblatt aus HSS, 300 x 13 mm, Rohrrahmen 18 x 8 mm.


- mehrschichtige Sicherheitstauchisolierung nach IEC 60900
- vollisoliert
- Qualitätsisolierung "?Made in Germany"?
- mit auswechselbarem Sägeblatt aus HSS
- Zahnung gehärtet

Technische Daten

Länge: 460 mm
Prüfung: 10.000 V
Prüfzeichen: 1.000 V
Gewicht: 710 g

Art.-Nummer: WE-30000460
Shop-Nummer: 812787
EAN: 4050075204687
Gewicht: 710 g
Länge: 460 mm
Prüfung: 10.000 V
Prüfzeichen: 1.000 V
Fabricant "WETEC"
Wetec has been synonymous with high-quality tools and innovative solutions in electronics production since 1987. Originally founded as a subsidiary of Dönges, Wetec has evolved into a specialized system provider with an impressive product portfolio. Wetec's tools are renowned in the industry for their precision, durability, and modern technology. Especially in the field of hand tools, Wetec offers a wide range that meets the specific requirements of electronics manufacturing. The continuous development of products and close collaboration with leading manufacturers ensure tools that are always at the cutting edge of technology. Customers benefit from a deep understanding of industry requirements and a broad selection of tools that are optimally tailored to the challenges of modern production processes.

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